Can You Replace One Garage Door Panel?

Garage Door Panel Replacement

Replacing A Garage Door Panel

garage door repair san antonio texas

Garage door panels can become damaged for many reasons and replacing an entire garage door can be expensive depending on what type of garage door they are.  To help reduce how much you will need to spend, you may be asking, "Can you replace just one-panel garage door?"  Unfortunately, the answer to this question is not a simple yes or no; it depends on several factors.  To answer the question, “can you replace just one garage door panel” yes you can replace one garage door panel, but this will be dependent on other factors.  Before making any decisions, you should consult a professional like those at San Antonio Overhead Pros.


Before deciding whether it is best to replace your entire garage door or just one panel you must consider the age of the garage door, the amount of damage to the garage door, condition of the rest of the garage door, and the type of garage door you currently have.  If your garage door is relatively new and a single panel has been damaged due to an accident like a basketball hitting it or accidentally backing the car into the panel then just replacing one panel is the best option and will save time and money.  If the damage done to the garage door occurs in more than one panel it will be best to replace the entire garage door and to try to replace multiple panels can be just as expensive as replacing the whole garage door, so it is more cost-effective to replace the entire garage door.  Another factor to consider when deciding to replace either one panel or your entire garage door will depend on the condition of your garage door.  If your garage door has other damage or is showing signs of age, it is probably in your best interest to replace the entire garage door instead of spending the money replacing one panel only to have to spend money on additional repairs in the future.  If your garage door is an older or outdated, you may want to consider replacing the entire garage door and updating the look and function of the garage door.  Newer garage doors utilize different materials, including eco-friendly materials, and not only look better; they are more energy-efficient as well.

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Panel Replacement

garage door repair

Homeowners need to understand that garage door panels are heavy, and it is recommended that replacing garage door panels should be done by a professional.  Without the proper experience and equipment changing a garage door panel can result in property damage or injury, so it is best to call a professional.  The experts at San Antonio Overhead Pros have garage door technicians with the knowledge, experience, and equipment to assess appropriately, repair, or replace garage door panels or entire garage doors.  All our work is backed with warranties and our 100% customer satisfaction guarantee, for the best garage door service call San Antonio Overhead Pros and schedule your free estimate today.

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